Sunday 24 January 2010

strawberry cheesecake for my goodfriend sheila!


seriously, this cheesecake looks so professional, it looks almost like one we bought from bakery isnt it? uggh! love love love it!
my good friend whom i love, sheila.. been asked me to bake strawberry cheesecake for her, she even wanted to order one from me, hell noooo..
anyways, after months of strawberry cheesecake promise, i finally managed to bake it for her. i baked it three days ago since cheesecake requires a few steps of cooling before its ready to be eaten, well, its cheesecake, its best eaten cold, isnt it?

i used my go-to cheesecake recipe, which needs 1kg of cream cheese and leading you to fat coma.
heehee, but it tastes sooo good, blends well with the fruits or jam or preserves. i baked blueberry cheesecake once using this recipe and trust me, it was heaven... guilty heaven actually.
though i still want to try another cheesecake recipe but depending on this one when i have cheesecake crave, this recipe is more than enough.


and no recipe.. not because i dont want to share the recipe, its just the recipe is in indonesian language and i dont really want to transalate it to english. too lazy.. its sunday and i dont want to use my brain.. *seriously*


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my word, that cheese cake looks absolutely delicious!